We are delighted to announce that this week, EPPE_Lab Chile 2019 officially launched at the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) in Antofagasta. This pioneering programme trains school teachers in Participatory Action Research methods and supports them to design and deliver research projects in their own schools. All of the participants work in education contexts characterised by high complexity and vulnerability, and are encouraged to develop research questions centred on themes of Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion.

Each of the research teams (5 in total) will be supported by Local Advisers from UCN. In addition, we are recruiting International Advisers from within the EPPE Network to provide additional support to our budding Action Researchers. International Advisers will assist the research teams by reviewing research planning documents and offering tailored feedback and advice based on their professional experience. In particular, they will help provide alternative perspectives based on experience from beyond the Chilean context. In return, Advisers will broaden their knowledge of diverse educational contexts, gain experience of research mentoring and build connections with EPPE Network and UCN colleagues. While International Advisers do not have to be specialists in the exact educational focus of their assigned research team, we will make efforts to carefully match advisers and researchers based on interests and expertise.
If you are a Member or Associate Fellow of the EPPE Network and are interested in acting as an International Adviser for EPPE_Lab Chile 2019, get in touch at eppe.network@gmail.com, briefly explaining your interest in the project and attaching a recent CV.
Those interested in applying should note the following details:
International Advisers will be expected to complete a review of their assigned team's research proposal in August 2019, offering written feedback.
International Advisers will be expected to participate in a minimum of two video-conferences with their assigned research team between August and October 2019.
Spanish language skills are desirable but not obligatory.
Participation is on a voluntary basis.
We believe this a remarkable opportunity for members and participants alike and we look forward to receiving applications from across our membership.
For further information abut EPPE_Lab Chile 2019, visit www.eppenetwork.org/eppe-lab or contact the team at eppe.network@gmail.com.